Sunday 21 August 2016

Grand Tour of the North Day 28 First Class Hiccup

It was my last day in Scotland, but not quite the end of this tour of the North as I had planned a night in Manchester. Having got a great deal on First ticket travelling Transpennine Trains instead of Virgin cost more second Class it was a no brainer.... Well it didn't quite turn out like that.
Having checked out of the hostel I made my way to to the tube station & then alighting at St Enoch, which is the nearest stop to Central Station. As usual I arrived in plenty of time a had a coffee.  Train was 11.16 & I had fifty minutes to before the train was due to leave.
11.00 i looked at the displays but couldn't see the Manchester train on the board, only one for Carlisle Only at 11.16. Having enquiried with station staff I was told my train would only be going as far as Carlisle as a maintenance train had derailed at Carnforth & we would change to anther service (Virgin Trains) at Oxenholme where a bus would take to Preston Station. From there we could resume the journey by train.
All was fine to Carlisle, I even managed to take a few photos.I didn't even need to change platform which was great, so far so good. Shame I wasn't going to see Carnforth station, made famous by Trevor Howard & Celia Johnson in 'Brief incounter'
Virgin train arrived,  no problem still travelrd first Class. I thought, ok this is going to be fine. On reaching Oxenholme. a small station managed by Virgin Trains I might add that's where it all disastrously belly up. All the passengers were told to go to the front entrance where coaches were waiting to take up to Preston.... NO COACHES.  There was a lot of passengers & no coaches. Virgin staff were nowhere to be seen, no one knew what was happening. We were just left.  Not a Virgin Train not there problem (as it was a Transpennine service)
After twenty minutes a coach turned up at least four coaches would be needed.
The coach was full & people needed to alight. People waiting surged forward try to get to on the coach as the drive was loading up with suitcases, passengers with out cases piled on the coach & there wasn't any room, so the driver off loaded the cases & left to everyones anger & dismay.
Still no Virgin staff,  nothing was done in a orderly or safe manner & I'm surprised no one got hurt. I managed to get on the second coach. The driver was very good making sure it was done safely & orderly.
Coach loaded & on our way. Took an hour to Preston. (Virgin Trains managed & larger station) was very organised safely & orderly... Completely different to Oxenholme ( I will writing to Virgin Trains in due course)
I got to the platform & the train to Manchester arrived. Took an hour & in the end a two & half journey took over four hours.
Finally Manchester headed for the Metrolink to catch tram to Deansgate where the YHA is sit only to be told trams aren't running maintenance work being told "You need to take the bus..... No thank you...." TAXI"

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