Sunday 7 August 2016

Grand Tour of the North Day 14 Aberdeen beach & harbour

Having got up late today didn't really bother me as it was meant to be a quiet one... Or that's what I thought  i planned just spend my last day here in Aberdeen on the beach & I did go to the beach & did spend a fair bit of time there.
I also walked from one end to the other. Firstly walk as far as where the River Don enters the sea, quite a something seeing the river run into the sea . I wanted to carry on as RSBP sit on the other side,but it was deep to cross.
So I turned round & started to head for the harbour end
Feeling hungry I had lunch in a cafe on the promenade.... Jacket potatoe with prawns + salad very tasty. There i met a lady who thought I was Australian,  but I couldn't convince I wasn't... I also met a gentleman who thought I was German...
After finishing my lunch I continued along beach enjoying the beautiful sunshine
Watching the ships leaving the harbour in the distance. I spotted  ice cream sign on the promenade, so I left the beach to grab one.  Back down on the I continued with the harbour getting closer
As I reached the harbour wall another beast of a ship was leaving.  Some a fishing orthers are associated with the oil industry.. Whichever, these are mighty ships.
Exploring around the docks I came across some wonderful little dock workers cottages. It's known as Fittie Village & just around the corner it's own pub
Fittie Bar. I couldn't resist going in for a quick one..
I was in there for at least 3 hours talking to the locals... The most friendliest people I have met so far... It was a lovely way to end my time in The Granite City of Aberdeen.

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