Wednesday 3 August 2016

Grand Tour of the North Day 10 Journey to Perth

The day started with a final look round Stirling having checked out of the hostel. Perth was my next destination. Took. A few photos in & around the cemetery
before walking in the town.  I was a bit early for the train so I had a coffee in a nice little Cafe.
Arriving at station & I noticed a few trains had be cancelled,  thankfully not mine, over running engineering works on Glasgow line apparently.  The train pulled in on platform 2 & my journey to Perth began.
It's a nice journey the landscape is contrasting depending which window you're looking out of, one side flat with green fields, the other side more hilly & boggy.  even though it was over cast the sun was trying to break through.
One of the stations we stopped at was Gleneagles, famous for its golf of course
Lovely station buildings painted brown & Cream . We're well over half way stop Perth. Arrived 12.10 & on time first time I have embarked here, always passed through.
Time has stood still here it's a grand station still retained its character, must have been a very busy station. Painted in that brown & Cream . Crossing the old footbridge you could get a sense of its grandeur back in its heyday. On leaving the station it's a bit disappointing, no grand frontage, just modern & boring, not worthy a description.

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