Thursday 27 March 2014

Get high

If you like the Peak District,  then you would love The Roaches Staffordshire. The views from the top are breathtaking & it's well worth the climb. Tittesworth Reservoir, another interesting site to visit can be seen in the distance.
The walk would not be complete until you visited Lud's church formed within the thick bed of coarse Carboniferous sandstone known as Roaches grit. The area has a place of Christian history the Lollards followers of John Wycliffe early church reformer & was used as a secret place of worship in 15th century. It's worthy of a visit 

Thursday 13 March 2014

Get - out. In your garden

If you don't fancy going to far to spot insects, then why not check out your garden for them & take your camera with you. It's interesting wandering around the garden spotting the mini beasts. Apart from a few varieties of beas & butterflies I have spotted lots of ladybirds. So out came my camera & clicked away.
Why don't you check out your garden & see what you can spot.
Get-out explore & enjoy  your garden

Tuesday 11 March 2014

Get -out down the canal

If you don't fancy walking up & down dales, why not walk along a canal. Most canals I've walked have been easy going & suitable for all the family, some ok for those who need to use wheelchair.
There's always a bench to sit down or a canalside pub. Canals can be a good place to observe wildlife, take photos of water fowl /birds & insects like dragonflies or if you like wildflowers.
Go on get out explore & enjoy the canals

Monday 10 March 2014

It's a good day to get out

It's yet another fine day to get out....walking, cycling  & if you've got a camera.... Get clicking!!

Monday 3 March 2014

Get-out explore & enjoy

get- out  explore & enjoy the countryside is something I love to do. To some people & I include a few of my friends in this following statement; is an alien concept to a lot of people, but for me its like recharging myself armed with a bottle of water some sandwiches & bar of chocolate..usually a mars bar.But there one thing I never forget to take with me...My camera, its a extension of me..its who I am.
Me, my camera & nature....we connect, makes you think about how we revolve around it. Life lives on the dying. Get out, explore & enjoy